Meet Our Rabbi and Rebbitzin
Rav Chaim Marcus is the inspiring, erudite, amiable and inclusive rabbi every Shul member dreams of encountering. Since the start of his tenure over 20 years ago as our Rav and Morah d’Asrah, Rav Chaim has touched the lives of virtually everyone at CIS, listening to us, advising us, strengthening us and consoling us. The heart and soul of our community, Rav Chaim invites us to emulate his determination to elevate the importance of Torah, Tefillah, Achdut and Chesed within our Kehillah and in our daily lives.
Admired widely as a master educator with an uncanny ability to integrate the teachings of the Gedolim of every generation, Rav Chaim is a regular contributor to Yeshiva University’s, where his insightful shiurim on the Parsha and Tefillah are heard around the world. Members of CIS are offered a preview twice weekly through shiurim offered in person and online; and every Shabbos we are stirred by by Divrei Torah composed for adults as well as elementary school students who return to Shul in the afternoon. Our members anticipate Chagim with particular excitement because they are accompanied by additional opportunities to learn, grow and enhance our identification with one another and Am Yisrael. Not surprisingly, Rav Chaim was among first Rabbis in the US selected to lead the OU’s prestigious, global Semichat Chaver Program at CIS, which attracts numerous participants from our Shul and surrounding communities.
Currently, Rav Chaim serves as a Rebbe and Mashpia at Yeshivat Heichal HaTorah, and he is often invited to Shuls and Jewish organizations as a sought-after Scholar-in-Residence. For 19 years, students at the JEC’s Bruriah High School for Girls benefited from Rav Chaim’s mentorship as a senior Halacha Rebbe; many alumnae now make their home in Springfield. Similarly, as a one-time Sgan Mashgiach at YU and Rebbe at Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim, Rav Chaim has drawn to our community other former students, as well as more recent alumni whom he has met while representing Reishit in the US.
Rav Chaim has long been active in Jewish communal affairs nationally and locally, having been a member of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, he is presently a member of the presidium of the Vaad of MetroWest. After many years working in chinuch at Camp Mesorah, he now spends part of every summer learning with campers and staff at Ohel’s Camp Kaylie.
Before undertaking his studies at Yeshiva University, Rav Chaim learned at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel with Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zt’l, and at Talmud Torah d’Meah Shearim with Rav Chaim Ilson shlita. After graduating from YU, Rav Chaim joined the YU Kollel and earned Semicha at RIETS.
Rebbetzin Lea Marcus
Lea, our warm, welcoming, wise and witty Rebbetzin, connects instantly with the children, adults, couples and families of CIS, ensuring that all of us feel valued and supported.
A graduate of Bruriah High School for Girls and Stern College for Women, Lea brings to her mission as our Rebbetzin the dedication to chesed she was taught to embrace at the home. While still in high school, she was encouraged to spend a summer working at Camp HASC, which serves children and adults with disabilities; and it was there that she met Rav Chaim, who already shared the same passion. After their marriage and the birth of Sara, Lea and Rav Chaim spent two years at Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim; and after the birth of Aryeh, the only native Yerushalmi of the family, the Marcuses moved to Springfield, where their family expanded again with the births of Rivka, Yosef, Racheli and Meira.
Our Rebbetzin is devoted to her CIS family as well, whether she is teaching young girls in anticipation of a Bat Mitzvah; preparing brides for the joys and challenges of maintaining a Jewish home and raising a loving family; or enabling the women of our community to fulfill the mitzvah of Taharat HaMishpacha at Mikvah Yisroel on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Before the pandemic, she was famous for welcoming innumerable guests, hosting Shabbos Onegs to coincide with visits from our Scholars-in-Residence, and inviting the entire Shul membership to the Marcus home for waffles and other homemade treats on Chol HaMoed Sukkot. Now, Lea relishes every opportunity to check in with members virtually and promote of the welfare of our community, embodying with ease and grace the traits of an Aishet Chayil.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784